Reflux in newborns, often referred to as infant reflux or gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is a common condition. Many newborns experience some degree of reflux, but it typically improves as they grow and their digestive system matures.
The most common symptom of reflux in newborns is spitting up. This is when milk or formula comes back up from the stomach into the mouth or even out of the nose. It is usually not a cause for concern, especially if the baby is gaining weight and is otherwise healthy.
Other symptoms of reflux in newborns may include:
Fussiness: Irritability and fussiness, especially during or after feeding.
Arching of the Back: Some babies with reflux may arch their back during or after feedings, possibly as a response to discomfort.
Coughing or Gagging: Coughing, gagging, or choking during or after feedings.
Difficulty Feeding: Refusing to eat, pulling away from the breast or bottle, or seeming to be in pain during feedings.
Poor Weight Gain: Some babies with severe reflux may have difficulty gaining weight as they may not be getting enough nutrients due to frequent spitting up or discomfort during feedings.
How to manage reflux in newborns
There are a number of things you can do to help manage reflux in your newborn, including:
Burp your baby frequently during and after feedings.
Keep your baby upright for 30 minutes after feeding.
Avoid overfeeding.
Feed your baby smaller, more frequent meals.
Elevate the head of your baby's bed by 6 inches.
If these measures do not help, your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce stomach acid production.
It is important to note that reflux usually improves as babies get older and their digestive system matures. In most cases, reflux is gone by the time the baby is 1 year old.